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Products & Services

Construction Aggregates

We produce these materials from natural deposits such as granite, limestone and trap rock. Our quarrying process typically begins with drilling and blasting the rock into smaller pieces. Next, the material goes through various stages of crushing and screening to produce the sizes and specifications desired by our customers.

Construction aggregates form the underpinnings of our cities, towns and transportation networks. Thousands of years ago, civilizations built entire cities with stone, sand and gravel, and many of these ancient structures exist today.

Our construction aggregates are used in a number of ways.

  • As a base material underneath highways, walkways, airport runways, parking lots and railroads.

  • To aid in water filtration, purification and erosion control.

  • As a raw material used in combination with other resources to construct many of the items we rely on to sustain our quality of life. These include:

    • Houses and apartments

    • Roads, bridges and parking lots

    • Schools and hospitals

    • Commercial buildings and retail space

    • Sewer systems

    • Airports and runways

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